Humble Dogs

That they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts. Matthew 13:15b

Archive for the tag “Great Commission”

God’s Work In Litter

Many Christians, many Churches live self isolated from the reality of mission in their own neighborhood. Believers are ready to get involved in almost any activity that appears spiritual as long as it allows them to escape their responsibility to the Gospel. They will give to foodbanks, mission work to the homeless, mission work overseas, maybe even deliver hampers at Christmas; how many are willing to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ to their neighbors?

Is that not the Great Commission, be the Good News to our neighbors? “And who is my neighbor?” Luke 10: 29 in The Parable of the Good Samaritan. V 37, Jesus told him, “Go and do likewise.”

Near all Christians know The Prayer of St. Francis

The Prayer of St. Francis

The Prayer of St. Francis

Here’s a modern version for many today’s Christian:

I pray each eve that I might be
a channel for God’s might.
Dear Lord show where my burdens be,
My guide to put things right.

If I could mend one broken dream
Bring ease for one more pain.
Play my part in God’s great scheme
Help one soul for Christ to gain.

A hundred souls I’ll pass today,
each one begs to say hello.
I’ve been conformed to go my way,
and never take this chance to grow.

I know not this man with sad worn face,
This lady with her arms so full.
So I pass by and hold my place
in case rejection takes it’s toll.

I’ll admit, that is a little harsh. For most Chistians it is having the opportunity to witness which is lacking. Modern culture prevents us from foisting ourselves upon an unsuspecting public. We need a method of introduction. Being brave enough to go door-to-door is not a good option for most. The answer though, could be right before us, under our feet. It’s called Litter.

Litter is a problem in every community, in every neighborhood. I have found that in walking the neighborhood twice per week picking litter, I have become a familiar figure to many of my neighbors whom I would never have met otherwise. Most will give me a pleasant hello and many want to stop and chat. My neighbors have come to trust me. I am performing a civic duty. Over the past year, I have helped mothers with babies unload their cars, helped a man build a stairs, fixed the chain on a child’s bike, intervened twice in bullying situations and captured a runaway puppy. Twice I have been called to the ministry of consoling, to just be an ear or a comfort for one in distress. Through conversations with those I have met, two couples have joined our house church.

This is much the same with the other four “litter pickers” from our small church. Not to boast, but, 8 new souls for Christ to a congregation of 60 is a better average than most week long visiting evangelical crusades. Yes it takes time, and commitment but, is not that what we are called to do? Give our time and commitment for Christ. “Go ye out into all your neighborhoods and make disciples.”

Litter Picking is not only a support for the community, it can also be used as a Christ lead tool for evangelism. As one person said on a site for volunteering, “It’s (volunteering) a commitment to live/work/play/support/ and regrow our community not just as a “neighborhood” but to support our neighbors in compassionate ways as people.”

The major need for most Christians is training in relating the Gospel message. Being able to answer questions on God, Christ and Salvation.

Who is God?
Who is Jesus?
What is Salvation?
Why do I need to be saved?
Saved from what?
Why should I go to Church?
Why Baptism?
Etc., etc.

Every Church must have a continuing course in Evangelism, the fundamentals of Faith. Sadly, fundamentals are the most neglected part of most congregational teaching. Without the basics of Faith, how can we grow? How can we Evangelize?

Prayer of St. Francis image from:

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